Eugene has a new SLUG Queen!
The SLUG Queen crown has been passed to Sitara T. Slugshine, a.k.a. Joanie M. Starshine Kent, who will become Eugene’s 42nd SLUG Queen. A perennial contestant who finally has the crown, she plans to spread slime at local events and gatherings with elaborate costumes, silly songs, and a heart for all in our community.
Queen Sitara was the runner-up at the 2024 coronation, and due to unforeseen circumstances that have left the 41st Queen unable to finish out her “rain,” Sitara has stepped into the slimelight. Queen Sitara is active with the Irving Grange and recently helped spearhead the completion of a community mural, designed and overseen by artist Maggie Dewar.
With her passion for women’s rights, animals, and mental health, Queen Sitara is bound to touch the lives of everyone from Eugene to Creswell and beyond.
SLUG stands for the Society for the Legitimization of the Ubiquitous Gastropod and the SLUG Queens have been the unofficial ambassadors to the City of Eugene for over 40 years. A public event celebrating Queen Sitara’s rise to the throne (a rise marked by a glittery slimetrail) is being planned. You will be able to find her at Maude Kerns‘s Annual Jell-O Art Show on March 22, 2025 and the opening day of Eugene’s Saturday Market on April 5, 2025.
The S.L.U.G. Queen (Society for the Legitimization of the Ubiquitous Gastropod) is the unofficial goodwill ambassador for the city of Eugene, Oregon. Each year a new Queen is crowned following costuming, performing, judge bribery, and jolly festivities. The crowned queen spends their “rain” participating in the Eugene community and representing the spirit of Eugene.
The word unique barely scratches the surface of the S.L.U.G. Queen’s hometown, Eugene, Oregon. Instead of a traditional agricultural Harvest Queen, Eugenians celebrate their creativity, humor, and long standing connection to counter culture, by lifting the ubiquitous NW gastropod (a.k.a. the slug) to royal status. Every summer, since 1983, a new Slug Queen emerges from Eugene’s endless pool of local characters to be crowned. A Slug Queen has “rained” over Eugene since 1983.
The S.L.U.G. Queen, as a concept, is a symbol of respect for nature, independence, free thought, and elevating the voices of those most vulnerable in our community. The “Raining” Queen acts as an ambassador to the City of Eugene by providing support to local non-profit organizations, business, arts and culture. The Eugene S.L.U.G. Queen has a long standing friendship with the University of Oregon’s duck as together they represent the excellent relationship between the City and the University.
Judges comprise Old Queens and a local celebrity guest. It is essential to never address an Old Slug Queen as “former” or “past” or “retired” as the title “Slug Queen” is retained for life once earned.
The winning contestant becomes the “Raining” queen immediately post-coronation. The previous year’s queen then becomes an “Old Queen” and assumes the privileges of Old Queens, such as voted rights. Every ten years Old Queens are promoted during the coronation festivities. After one decade the title “Very Old Queen” is bestowed. On a queen’s twenty-year anniversary the title “Very, Very Old Queen” is gifted. Three-decade queens are honored as an “Extremely Old Queen”.
Once a Queen, always a Queen.